
I’m not a business man,
I’m a business, man.
— Jay-Z

mercy ships

NFP, rebrand and marketing and content strategy. Through repositioning away from religion and focussing on positivity, was able to reduce marketing costs and meet 2 KPI's - increase in no. of donors, and increase in average $ donation. 


Lead project manager, responsible for coordinating in-house web development, strategy and design. 
Released in conjunction with annual reporting requirements. 
Features live news, DAM and current stock price.


Full scope rebrand and strategy around CRM for Franchisees. Includes customer journey mapping, dev of bespoke Salesforce platform, ideation of brand (logo, name, creative) and SEO aftercare.


To coincide with Australia Day, developed ATL & BTL campaign around "Lamb Lovers Unite". Was integral in the creative ideation and production of  the campaign, for roll-out across social, digital, media and POS. 

*Named in top 6 Best Ads of the Week. 


Workshop with key stakeholders to understand brand, then creative ideation of name, logo, brand story. 


Brand refresh and content creation (explainer video, Annual Report, ASX announcements). Also digital transformation company-wide, with introduction of Sharepoint (~150 employees in 5 countries).


In-house marketing management, reporting to GM. Responsible for marketing strategies, positioning, channels and activities. Ran customer journey workshop and implemented targeted capture and nurture sequences to foster relationships. Promotional campaigns for new product offerings, including content creation.


Product Ad-testing for brand awareness during period of brand refresh - recall, top-of-mind, pricing, channel selection. 


Ad-testing for NPD and competitor awareness workshops. Developing insights and presenting to client. 


Richardson & Lyons

Scriptwriting, storyboarding and project management of TVC for local law firm. Also media planning and buying, including CAD approvals. 


Media relations, copywriting and general project management. Assisting with bump-in/bump-out, and on-stage talent management. Also, spearheaded the grant process (writing and collating information), which lead to the festival been bigger than ever before, with 55,000 patrons and fully fledged "French Market" - 50 vendors of mixed goods, and more media hits than ever before.